换XX,重新回来了...顺便换下机房 作者: _囧rz_ 时间: 2018-03-15 分类: 胡言乱语 20180428 应该是被GFW屏蔽了网段,看别的论坛发现已经恢复了,哎,大洋不够花.. 20180120左右发现主机被墙掉了.. 应该是借给熟人看STEAM或者别的网站被和谐.. 临时找个连接做跳板回来了一次.. 测试了网站在国外都是正常的.. 目前没有找到性价比更高的服务上了,本来就是练手搭环境测试的 最后忍不住出钱换了IP,差不多一年的主机费用吧,还是做些正常的事.. 发了一个Ticket给VPS服务商客服 Ticket 回信意思是测试都是正常的, 在中国国内无法使用,是由于GFW屏蔽,无能为力,等段时间GFW也许会放行,要么等主机IP过期.. 还是那句话,找不到更便宜的主机了. 毕竟只是看看网站,不说话,玩玩游戏,体验一下加速..买卖游戏平台上的商品,不做任何政治相关的事.. 使用ping.pe和17ce.com测试网站就知道了.. ------------------- Hello, We have tested network accessibility from our test POPs and found that the IP is blocked by GFW. While the IP is blocked by GFW the VPS stays fully operational, however you will not be able to migrate the VPS to a different datacenter until the ban is removed. It is quite easy to verify if your VPS IP was banned by the Great Firewall of China. When you use ping.pe to test your VPS IP you may see the following output: https://bwh1.net/kbimg/ping.pe-gfw/img_EHo03WoC.png As you can see, the VPS responds normally from all countries except for China, where we observe 100% packet loss. If you open up the mtr report, you will find an output similar to this: https://bwh1.net/kbimg/ping.pe-gfw/img_8NT7PMKg.png This output may be a bit confusing at first. One would think if an IP was being blocked by a firewall then a traceroute or mtr report would start showing packetloss right after China (where firewalling takes place), however in the above example we can clearly see that only the last hop is affected. This is because GFW is set up so that only return traffic from a certain IP located outside of China is blocked. In other words, GFW does not track packets leaving China; it only tracks packets heading back into China. This means that when you perform a traceroute, only ICMP response packets sent by the last hop (final destination IP) back into China will be affected by firewall. Intermediary hops will not be affected. We found that generally GFW automatically removes the ban when it can no longer detect the "prohibited" service for a few hours to a few days. The best solution in the case of a ban would be the complete removal of all service(s) that could trigger the ban and waiting for some time for the ban to be lifted. Please keep in mind that we do not have any control over GFW, and we do not know much about how it works. It is our responsibility to make sure our hardware and network stay fully operational, and GFW-related issues are out of scope of our competence. Some customers end up requesting a new IP address. Generally we do not offer IP changes, however considering the issue we can change the IP for you. Due to the manual work involved, this request is billable. Your VPS will be assigned a new IP address from the available pool. Please use the following form to request IP change: https://bwh1.net/ipchange.php This is an automatic reply. If your request is not properly addressed, please reply in this ticket and one of our engineers will take a look. ------------------- 只能去付费IPCHANGE 自己建站很多年了, 2002年建立个人主页,2007购买域名, 使用了无数免费和付费空间,期间被政策和谐了无数免费空间,以及付费空间 笔记本被偷,导致个人数据全部丢失 个人说实话,真心不喜欢备案什么的 整个流程非常废时间和精力,备案成功后又被和谐取消,只能转向不备案的空间了. 标签: none